How to Enter

WriteTime competitions are only open to older writers.
Everyone is welcome, wherever in the world you live. If you want to join in, you need to be over 60 years old. There’s no upper age limit.

Share your stories with us – entering a competition is a great way to keep up your writing. WriteTime runs four short story competitions each year and the next closing date is March 31, 2025. The small submission fee covers prizes and basic administration costs. Judging is by a panel of older experienced writers and editors. Winners will be notified within six weeks of the closing date.‬

WriteTime is a social enterprise dedicated to older writers and we offer brief feedback free of charge to all writers whose work is not successful in a competition.



Please pay at the time of your submission:
£5 for one entry
£10 for three entries


£100 for the winner and £50 each for two runners-up in each competition.

Competition Rules

Our rules

  • Entries must be in English.
  • Entries must be a maximum of 1500 words on any theme.
  • Entries must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • Entries submitted by post cannot be returned.
  • By entering the competition you are agreeing to publication on the website. The results of the competition and the winning stories will be published at
  • Entering the competition gives Shoreham Press CIC the once-only permission to publish the story in the WriteTime anthology, subject to availability and the author’s agreement to any editorial changes.
  • Extracts from stories may be used as examples of good practice in the WriteTime newsletter.
  • Entries will be judged anonymously and the judges will not know the name or gender of any author.
  • The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • No corrections will be accepted or refunds given.
  • Copyright remains with the author.
  • Entries not complying with competition rules will be disqualified.

Submitting your entry

  • Submission of an entry or entries implies acceptance of these rules.
  • All entries must be prepaid.
  • Entries should be submitted through this website or by post. See How to Enter for full details.

Brief Feedback offer

  • Feedback is available free of charge for entries which are not listed as winners or Highly Commended.
  • One story per author in any competition.
  • This offer is time-limited and feedback is only provided on request.
  • Authors should check the website for results six weeks after the closing date. See
  • If an entry is not successful authors should write requesting feedback to

Please Note
The closing dates for entries are 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.

To enter by post: Follow the instructions here
To Enter Online

Please use the form below. You have the option of paying by cheque. Please note: Entries cannot be considered before full payment is made.